
Claudia Blaesi

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Artist's Statement As with many artists, I began painting representational works until gradually the imagery dissolved into more abstract forms. Seeking inspiration and wider understanding of different civilizations I set out over many decades researching and traveling to numerous 'sanctuaries' throughout the world. Painting in and around these sacred sites referencing disparate religions and cultures I found common ground and a sense of peace. Concurrently, while immersed in forests and oceans, I drew close to nature and observed how the universe creates order out of chaos. My paintings often reflect a similar methodology as I change and paint over works, often ending with something completely foreign to my initial intention. I have found that allowing chance and intuition into my methodology helps me to capture this cacophony of the diverse influences into my art. As with life, art is a journey. If we remain open, we often arrive at different, yet deeply fulfilling destinations. My art attempts to convey the essence of this search as well as the need for places of sanctuary found along the way. 艺术家自述 和许多艺术家一样,我直到逐渐掌握了将意象融入到更抽象的形式的时候,才开始有了自己的代表作品。为了可以更深入的了解各种文化并从中得到灵感,我用了数十年在世界各地的古迹名胜游历、采风。当我在这些地方及周边地区作画时,我参悟到了完全不同的宗教和文化,找到了它们之间的共同点,及内心的平静。   同时,当我几经修改完成作品时,我的绘画作品经常会反映出相似的定式:最终的作品通常与最初的构思完全不同。我发现接受这种定式中的变化和直觉,会帮助我把无形中受到的感染和影响,呈现在我的艺术作品中。正如生活一样,艺术也是一种历程。如果我们保持一颗坦率、包容的心,那么,我们最终通常会达到不同,但更深层次的满足。我的艺术作品试图传递这种追求的本质,同时也传递着这些沿途所见的圣地的迫切所需。


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