


所在地:辽宁 沈阳

出生年份:1989年 5月 24日

3件作品 / 0位粉丝

关注 0

2011年毕业于鲁迅美术雪学院 摄影系 现于鲁迅美术学院 研究生在读。 2013参加 “时差”当代艺术展 参展作品刊登于《美苑》期刊。 2013 2014 参加鲁迅美术学院全校摄影大赛展 获得优秀奖。 THE RESUME OF ARTIST: My name is GONG YUE YUAN .I come from the northeast of china. I graduated from photography department of LUXUN academy of fine arts in 2011. And now I’m studying in LUNXUN academy of fine arts as a graduate all the same. I took apart in a ART Berlin contemporary called “TIME DIFFERENCES”. I also took apart in photography in competition hold by LUXUN academy of fine arts In 2013 and 2014.,and got “excellence award”. Thank you to providing a good chance to youth.


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