
Jacquelyn Thunfors

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 With 11 international solo exhibitions, most from civic institutions, Jacquelyn Thunfors hasetched a unique and innovative path from the United Nations, in both New York and Mexico City,to London, Spain, Athens, Pretoria and Durban, South Africa, Hawaii, Shanghai and Shenzhen.,China.
从纽约市,墨西哥城的起点,到伦敦,西班牙,雅典,比勒陀利亚和德班,南非,夏威夷,上海和深圳,杰奎琳·詹福思女士用11 次的国际个人作品展勾勒了一条独具创意的人生之路。
Dedicated to transmitting ideas without words, (her trademarked concept :journalart),her paintings are generating a new communications standard for the "art" world. In Athens,reviewers for the Greek free subway newspaper state, say, in summation:" Therefore she hasnow changed the way we look at our entire history." (Response to her Olympic collection"Grandfathers' Hands BCE Olympia", introduced first in Shanghai for the Shanghai InternationalArt Fair ,and secondly re-opened for the City of Athens Municipal gallery, Academias St., theircentral Athens facility.)
多年以来,她始终专注于如何越过言语文字的障碍,传递创意和思想。(她亦拥有一个相关的概念商标:Journal Art)。她的绘画在所谓“艺术”的世界里产生了一个新的沟通标准。她的奥运主题展览《祖父的双手——公元前的奥林匹亚》,首次亮相于上海国际艺术展。后又受希腊政府邀请,在雅典的主道学术大街的市政画廊中展览,第二次呈现在公众的面前。当地的一家地铁报纸评论员言简意赅地叙述道:“......所以她现在改变了我们看待我们自己历史的方式。”
Her long range goal is to give long overdue recognition to those who have the ability totranscend language- reaching those whose words we cannot understand, whose books wecannot read. After the three openings of her South African collection," Birth Mother Of Us All-South Africa" (45 works executed especially for the people of that country trying to recover fromapartheid) editor Minica du Plessis, of the SUNDAY INDEPENDENT wrote: "I can say that theseworks...executed in wild colors. executed with empathy, compassion, and humor...(with)symbolism very familiar,...(are) telling my story, talking to me, and communicating the wider storyof us." Dr. Johann Broodryk, author, educator and expert on the subject of "ubuntu"- theconcept that we are all equal, and responsible for each other on this planet- told the exhibitionaudience that Thunfors' work exemplifies this essential African core concept.
她长远的目标是为了兑现她的承诺,帮助那些有能力超越语言本身,触及那些文字不懂,书籍难通的人群。当完成了在南非的三次主题为“我们所有人的母亲——南非”的展览后(其中的45 幅作品更是为在这片土地上努力奋斗,试图从种族隔离的历史中恢复的人们而创作的)。社论撰稿人Minica du Plessis 在《星期日独立报》中这样写道:“我得说这些作品们....有着狂野的色彩, 包含同情怜悯,同时又透出幽默的气息, 运用着我们熟悉的符号....讲诉着我们的故事, 仿佛和我们轻声话语, 传扬着我们那更广博的故事们”。Johann Broodryk 博士,是一名作家,教育家和“乌邦图”研究方面的专家。“乌邦图”的概念告诉我们,众生平等,在这个星球之上我们有着对彼此的联系和责任。他告诉那些观赏展览的观众们:詹姆斯女士的作品传达了这个非洲大陆上最本源的核心概念。
Her founding of the now trademarked International PAINT YOUR LIFE workshops isthe result of this growing demand from so many international artists and others who recognizethis new and deep futuristic "art"leap, dedicated to "the viewer", in his/her own culturalmilieu., not the cultural milieu of the "journalartist." She is therefore dedicating an intensivetime period, in her own creative life , to transfer this concept to others all around the world.The vast need for contributions , toward her work of establishing this planetary concept, arerapidly now being recognized. Self-taught, Thunfors is convinced "art" is within each of us--adeep collection of ideations that can be released, to share with others, if we only can find thespark. The need is obvious. Her brainstreaming PAINT YOUR LIFE tm workshops,( in line foran intellectual property patent) , exemplify the solution, and are now available with each newexhibition.
现今创立的“彩绘人生”工作室, 就是因为人们日渐旺盛的需要。越来越多的国际艺术家和其他看出这种新颖又有深度的未来主义的“艺术”跨越,因为这套理论更关注着参与者本身和他们自身的文化环境,而不是周游世界的人们的文化环境。在她富于创造力的生命里,她现今仍然保持着高强度的工作时间,就是为了将这个概念传播到世界各地的人群中去。她的一切几乎都是自学而成,杰奎琳女士相信,“艺术”在你我之间一直存在着,只要能够点燃火花,这样的天分就可以被释放出来并且和众人分享。这样的需求是显而易见。她的“彩绘人生”工作室(拥有知识产权与专利保护)佐证了这个解决之道,在每个新的展览中都可以发现它的效果。
With B.A.'s in both English literature and journalism, an MA in education , and two yearsof doctoral work at Yale University in philosophy, Thunfors is the author of four books, founder ofa program for the gifted children in 5 districts of her home state of Connecticut, USA, andfounder of the think tank JACQUELYN T ASSOCIATES, consultancy for organizations andcorporations wishing to align themselves , in new ways , in order to innovatively adjust todramatic 21st century demands for change in education and corporate life.
杰奎琳女士拥有英文学士和新闻传播学士,教育学硕士的学位以及两年在耶鲁大学进修哲学博士的教育经历,同时是四本书的作者,在康迪乃迪州的五个地区创建了一个旨在帮助富于天赋的儿童的项目,同时发起了杰奎琳联营公司的智库团体,为企业和组织提供咨询服务,重新设计他们的架构,能够以富于创造性的方式来适应这激动人心的21 世纪在教育和生活方面的改变。


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