
Kristoffer Kullengren

10件作品 / 0位粉丝

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Born in Sweden in 1979, Kristoffer 'Krs' Kullengren graduated from the top University on Asian culture SOAS in London and Waseda University in Tokyo, and an art healing program from the University of Florida. Kristoffer Kullengren, is a multilingual Swedish artist and a contemporary Nordic artist who expresses and connects cultures through art in Asia. His art has a unique expressionistic and figurative style that is widely appreciated by the new generation of art audience and collectors in China and Japan.
Krs has done more than ten solo exhibitions in China and Japan in the past 3 years. The exhibitions at the Contemporary Art Museum of Xi An, Yunjian Art Museum in Shanghai, Bai & Yun Art Museum in Moganshan, and Iwasaki Art Museum in Japan inspired much with local influence. The artist is also championing art into new spaces. Previous partnerships with Shanghai Oriental Pearl Group, BMW Shanghai, Danish Design Centre, IKEA China and Mizuno Japan were successful in bridging art and culture to a wider audience.
Because of his unique life experience, many of Kristoffer Kullengren's works are reflections on the cosmopolitan life with a philosophical pondering into social issues and humanity. His unique expressionistic style gives his art a signature voice and is loved by the new generation of art audience.
2017年11月-2018年2月 莫干山白云美术馆个展“平衡·爱·自然”
2017年11月 德清博物馆北欧艺术家联展与德清电视台艺术访谈“艺术的力量
2017年11月 翼树文化画廊“爱与梦想”个展
2018年2月 “爱与梦想” Commune 2nd,日本东京
2018年5月 上海私人画廊“未表达的爱”个展
2018年4月 “爱与梦想” Quattro 画廊,日本
2018年5月 上海丹麦馆领事艺术论坛,“爱如翼”作品作为中丹战略合作10年纪念作品
2018年7月 上海云间美术馆“褪色的人性”个展
2018年11月 西安当代美术馆“梦与现实”
2018年12月 翼树文化画廊“梦与现实”
2019年5月 “解密梦想”,首个游戏化展陈展览,上海东方明珠CINEX,梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心
2019年8月 "Art Q”慈善义展,岩崎美术馆,日本
2019年8月 “世界之梦” 东京爱情酒店画廊,东京
2019年12月“蓝与黄” 瑞典领事馆展览,日本东京
2020年5月 “未来已来”,海派文化中心,上海
2020年7月 “融合”,外滩8号艺术金融中心,上海
2020年8月 中贸圣佳第23期 “架上革新 ” 现当代艺术专题(五)拍卖会,北京
2017 Nov – 2018 Feb “Love・Nature ・Balance” Bai & Yun Art Museum, Moganshan & Deqing Museum, Deqing
2017 Nov: “Love & Dreams” Artree Gallery in Shanghai & Quattro Gallery in Japan
2018 July: “Fading Humanity” – Yun Jian Gallery, Shanghai
2018 Oct – Nov: “Between Dream & Reality” – Xi An Contemporary Art Museum & BWM Experience Center in Shanghai
2019 Jan: “Between Dream & Reality” - BMW Experience Center, Shanghai
2019 May: First gamified art exhibition“Decoding Dreams”, CINEX Oriental Pearl Group and Mercedez-Benz arena, Shanghai
2019 Aug: "Art Q" for post-disaster community - Iwasaki Art Museum, Japan
2019 September: “The World of Dreams” – Tokyo Love Hotels Gallery, Tokyo
2019 November: “The Fika collection” with 447,000 live viewers for art, Essence Space, Shanghai
2019 December: “Blue & Yellow” Swedish Embassy Tokyo
2020 May: “Unified Shield: YOU+ME”, Shanghai Haipai Culture Center, Shanghai
2020 July: “Fusion”, Bund no.8 Art and Finance Center, Shanghai
2020 May: “23rd Sungari Auction Innovation on the Shelf, Modern and Contemporary Art (No. 5)”, Sungari Auction House, Beijing



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